COVID-19 andPersonal injury
As of May 22nd, the death toll caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic is over 1,000 in Washington, with more than 19,000 confirmed cases across the state. We were one of the first major epicenters of the pandemic in the US. It’s no surprise we are left with COVID-19 is an urgent issue presenting our community with innumerable problems. Schools, workplaces, grocery stores, hospitals, baseball games, churches – each have been injured in very significant ways. number of significant injuries and significant questions.
Will we survive? Can my loved ones and I get care? Who will take care of the medical bills? And who, if anyone, might be responsible for the infection? Do I need to consult a Bellevue Injury Lawyer?
The Life Care Center of Kirkland gained national attention as one of the first major venues of the coronavirus in the US, and is facing over $611,000 in fines as of April 2nd. Forty people associated with the Center (residents and visitors included) have died.
According to the Guardian, the Kaiser Family Foundation reports nursing home deaths account for more than half of all deaths in 14 states (53% here in Washington). Only 33 states report nursing home deaths, so we do not know the full extent of the challenge. Who, if anyone, is at fault? Do I need to consult a Bellevue Injury Lawyer?
As of the end of April, at least 700 coronavirus related lawsuits were filed across the country. In the US Senate, members of the Republican Party are proposing businesses receive what amounts to blanket immunity from liability cases brought by customers and employees who are infected with COVID-19. Fifteen states have moved to shield nursing homes from liability, or have already done this; Washington is not yet one of them. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one infected with COVID-19 at a nursing home, then you should consult a Bellevue Injury Lawyer.
After working in the area of personal injury and seeing the challenges individuals face, we believe the onus should be on a business or government agency to provide a safe working and business or care environment. It should not be the sole responsibility of the employee, customer, or nursing home resident. Unfortunately, we are all experiencing a systematic failure of nursing homes and care facilities that calls for a Bellevue Injury Lawyer to make them accountable for their negligence resulting in personal injuries. Given how often nursing homes already fail their vulnerable residents, the virus has made it clear we all need to act responsibly and make them accountable with the help of a Bellevue Injury Lawyer.
R Martin Law Group in Bellevue is a Bellevue Injury Lawyer Law Firm that has handled numerous personal injury cases. We understand that showing who is at-fault for an injury can be a strenuous process. If a case needs to proceed to litigation, having the right trial lawyer makes all the difference.
We work closely with our clients every step of the way, and that hasn’t changed with the COVID-19 pandemic. We will fight on your behalf, or that of a loved one in a wrongful death case.
We are monitoring how personal injury law is being changed by this pandemic. When the dust settles, people will want to know what could have been done to prepare. They will need to know if it is actually safe to go out, to resume normal daily life, and what can be done if the pandemic returns. Figuring all that out will be the job of many, but among them will be Injury Lawyers such as R Martin Law Group PS. Nobody should have to travel alone through the process of seeking justice, and we won’t let that happen to you.